Sunday, October 26, 2008

Possibly my best birthday ever!

In the morning, I was surprised with a very special birthday puppet show. Following this, my parents took the kids out for lunch and fun while I had the house to myself, a luxury I rarely get. I read for a long time and then took a nap. When they got home, I was ready for the fun birthday party the kids had planned for me.
I received MANY extra special hugs and kisses throughout the day.

I was showered with presents! Thank you everyone!

After playing several party games including family croquet and family hide-and-go-seek, we enjoyed a delicious steak dinner that my parents grilled and then cake and ice cream. Yum! The presents actually came at the end of the party, but that is not how they uploaded.(???) After the kids went to bed, my parents, Chris, and I played Blockus until we were all too sleepy to function. Then we declared it bedtime. It was a great day!

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